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Copyright arises at the time that subject matter is reduced to a material form. There is no requirement for the copyright to be registered with a government agency for it to be protected, nor is it necessary to apply the © symbol to the work for it to be protected.

Crime Stoppers WA owns and retains the copyright, trademarks and other intellectual property rights in the materials found on this site. Unless otherwise expressly authorised by us, you may only use this site for personal use. You may not sell or otherwise commercially exploit any information available on this site.

If you submit material to this site or to us in connection with your use of the site, you thereby assign all intellectual property rights in that material to us. You must not submit material to this site if a third party has any intellectual property rights in that material.

For reproduction or use of Crime Stoppers Western Australia copyright material in this website, including the use of its name and logo, beyond such uses, permission must be sought directly from the copyright owner, Crime Stoppers Western Australia Limited. If given, permission will be subject to the requirement that the copyright owner’s name and interest in the material be acknowledged when the material is reproduced or quoted, in whole or in part.